Saturday, 29 March 2008

Hunting in Central Market

It has been 2 months we are in Adelaide and every week we have to go to visit Central Market to buy our food. Well, there are some Asian Grocery Stores there. You can choose from the one with has the fresh veggies or a store that holds non-perishable foods. I have been invaded all the asian store for quite sometimes so I have already known which store to visit if I need certain item, such as where you can find fresh tofu, tempeh, or even steamed fish the one that actually almost the same taste with steamed fish from Medan, North Sumatera. Isn't it great?

Last Friday, I had a gathering with some friends and they asked me to bring gado-gado. It put to visit Central Market several times just trying to get the instant seasoning for it. But unfortunately I cannot got anything. Sobs.. I found 1 pack of pecel seasoning but it was 'the hot' label only left. I had to mix it to other peanut sauce to reduce the chilli. I found product from Hong Kong for that so I just tried to combine both of them.

I mixed 1/4 of hot pecel seasoning with the whole pack of peanut sauce. Stirred it with coconut milk and it turned out to be exactly the one I need. Not bad for the beginner, right? So, we have the gado-gado this afternoon. I provided the veggies, such as kang kong, toufu, tempeh, boiled eggs, lebanese cucumber, pineapple (improvised it) and bean sprouts. Hhmm..quite complete, right?

Friday, 28 March 2008

Where is Mom's Place to Work?

I used to be so busy in Batam. Doing things at home, my works and even the unimportant things. But since moved here following my husband I lost one of my place to work. Pity me.. So where I suppose to do my things? No doubt about it. ON KITCHEN TABLE. Haha.. There is no place for mom to work near her other favorite things like pans, pots, dishes, and..her internet cable connection. Ha! Just like being in heaven. LUCKY ME...

Fish for Their Lunch..

Starting of our moving here, there was no morning I started without panic. Preparing the breakfast and kids' lunch box. Hhhmm..unfortunately my kids cannot eat sandwich yet. So as usual I had to prepare them the steamed rice and the side foods. Hhhmm..just looked for the easiest one, like fried chicken, fried fish and jelly.

There was a funny story about the fish thing. We like to go to asian market to buy our food here. They sell frozen fish like we used to have in Indonesia. So, since the kids love fish I can buy lots of fish there. They liked their fish just fried with lime juice and salt. It will make the fish crispy and salty. So good if you eat it just with warm steam rice. It is our favourite. Ha! As usual all of them brought fish to their school. And one day my second one warmed his lunch in microwave since he had been told by the teacher that they can warm their lunch in that machine. What happened? The smell went around the room. Ha! Kids told their teacher and they all looked at the fish with scary faces. It is so weird to them since they have not seen the fish with the head and everything attached to it. Ha!

Lucky the teacher explained that it was how the fish smelt and looked like. But since then my Brian tried to have another menu for his lunch.

I said to him, "You did not need to be ashamed with that. It is about habits and culture. We used to eat fish like that and it is just not used to them. Fish is very good for you since it has so many protein in it and can help you brain to develope so you can be so smart later on."

He understood that but he just wanted to try the lunch order to get the taste his friends' food sometimes. So we started to order his lunch yesterday. The mini hot dog.

" Isn't it too mini for you?", I asked him yesterday after school.

"No, it is enough," he replied.

But today he asked me to order the regular size hot dog not the mini one. Ha! And his youngest brother wanted to try his lunch order today so I picked the mini hot dog for him today. kids is trying the western food now. Hahaha...

Sunday, 16 March 2008

School Day

After looking several schools for my oldest one. We came at the point that he would had better gone to private school here. He is in year-6, so this school put the year-6 in its middle school. The school is terrific - it is huge. Hope they can give the best of them to Ariel. It is christian school then has IB World Class. Hhmm..never been better, right?

Ariel is very shy person. In fact, all my kids are shy. Really hope he could do his school well here. We asked school also to continue his piano lesson coz he is really good on it. Hope if he can show his friends any skill he is really good at, it will help him to buid his confidence. I know it is not easy for them to move to foreign country like this but we - my husband and I - are really proud of them all. We hope this experience will benefit them later on.

Hope all the best for my kids.

My Sunday

It has been 3 weeks we are in Adelaide, South Australia. Quite city, indeed. Very relaxing. Seems I never sleep so comfortable than my sleep here. Why? I do not know yet. Probably because I feel so tired after taking care my family? Never knows yet. But it is the same comment that been said by my youngest one. Confused?

Well, today after woke up at 8.00 am (hehe..don't complaint, plz. It was my day break. I deserved my long and good night sleep after 5 days busy cooking, cleaning, and washing the dirty clothes), turned off the aircon, opened the windows, then woke up the kids - including my husband! Then at 9.15 am we drove to CBD to attend at 10.00 am family service.

It was the 2nd time my kids joined the sunday school there and actually they promised to be left alone. But in fact the youngest one did not want to be left alone. So..kept singing and did crafting as usual. Ihiks.. Probably, I could try for next week - with my fingers crossing. Ha!

Anyway, after service we had some chats with other Asian friends - have not met any Indonesian yet. Just one lady that married with Australian and has been in Adelaide for more than 30 years. She spoke Indonesian alright. After received few invitation for Easter family lunch we went for lunch in Rundle Street this time. Got my camera this time. So got some pictures to you, guys!

After some pictures, my battery was off. So sorry about that. Will up date about this beautiful city real soon. Just keep coming and see this blog.