Sunday 16 March 2008

School Day

After looking several schools for my oldest one. We came at the point that he would had better gone to private school here. He is in year-6, so this school put the year-6 in its middle school. The school is terrific - it is huge. Hope they can give the best of them to Ariel. It is christian school then has IB World Class. Hhmm..never been better, right?

Ariel is very shy person. In fact, all my kids are shy. Really hope he could do his school well here. We asked school also to continue his piano lesson coz he is really good on it. Hope if he can show his friends any skill he is really good at, it will help him to buid his confidence. I know it is not easy for them to move to foreign country like this but we - my husband and I - are really proud of them all. We hope this experience will benefit them later on.

Hope all the best for my kids.

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