Yah..sambil ngeliatin jam terus, tangan kerja terus.. Klu kaki juga bisa dipake buat motong dan bersihin sayur, gue pake dah.. Ini juga sambil beberes, loh.. Tahukan kalo anak gue 3 orang and cowok semua, rumah serasa bagaikan kena angin taufan melulu. hihihi..
Finally at 18.30 everything had been set. Akhirnya...leganya gue n suami gue telp, Eyal nanya gue mo dibawain apa. Gue bilang gak perlu bawa apa2. Dia ga mau, It was his custom to bring a company for friend's house along with all the happiness, he said. Well, just don't bring wine, I said since we will have durian for dessert and it is not good to have it along with wine. So he brought chocolate instead. My favourite..hehehe...
It was really a casual dinner and I served Indonesia foods I could make. He loved to try any kind of foods. And on their biz trip to India few months back, he was the only Caucasian that did not get food poisons there. The other 4 got sick and had to be hospitilized. haha! Then Bangalore soon became their nightmare. Poor them. So I would not be worry to prepare a bit spicy food since Eyal could handle it perfectly.
I bought durian. Not only one but 2. My husband told me that during their biz trip back to Batam last June, they eat 6 durians and just sat at the side of the street and enjoyed it. Just the 2 of them. It was the 1 st time Eyal ever enjoyed durian and he loved it. It was true. He finished big part of those durians, actually. He even claimed that durian is one of the connoisseur food. And he said durian was the fruit of heaven, the fruit for angels. Ha! Even elephant eats durian, I added.
We did had a good time. I promised him when the weather becaming warmer, we can have a nice and delicious indonesian bbq at our backyard. It won't be long since summer is already on its way here.
1 comment:
foto yg paling atas cuba di 'rotate' dulu. Ini pembaca sampe sakit leher kudu tekuk2 leher gini.
Anyway, kapan2 gw diundang2 jg lah yah :)
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