Friday 4 July 2008

Nathan's School Report

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir anak-anak sekolah di Ausralia. Setelah itu mereka akan dapat break selama 2 minggu sebelum mereka mulai masuk term-3. Biasanya term-1 dan term-3, laporan perkembangan anak disampaikan secara lisan yang biasanya dikenal sebagai 'parent - teacher interview'. Dan untuk term-2 dan term-4, laporan disampaikan tertulis.

Untuk Nathan laporannya adalah sebagai berikut:

Nathan is now settling into our class; it is evident that he enjoys working in small groups and being a class member. He is beginning to be more expressive, for example, which is particularly rewarding for our class as we gradually learn more about Nathan. The class has been very receptive of his language needs and encouraging of his efforts, indeen, last term the class recognized his achievement by bestowing upon him the 'I Can Do It' award. Nathan readily applies himsel to all areas of the curriculum.

Nathan has shown a strong interest in Maths; his number recognition and ability to work with numbers has been quite outstanding.

In music and Physical Education, Nathan's achievement is considered satisfactory of what is expected at this year level and his effort is rated as good.

In Japanese, he completes tasks quickly. His confidence in the language has 'sky rocketed' recent weeks.

Ok, that is the teacher's comment. And today he also got the 'Good Citizen' award. Good work, Nathan!!

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